Tuesday, 9 April 2019

The Bead Peeps Swap and Hop 2019

Hi Everyone,This is so crazy! I havn't blogged in a year! Life is hectic and work is busy, when could I fit it all in? I do need to think about what I want to do with my blog but for now, have a look at what I've been working on! Lets get onto the 2019 Bead Peeps Swap 'n Hop!

My amazing partner this year is Tammy from Paisley LizardTammy creates gorgeous components out of polymer clay. She sent me the most delicious pieces to work with, along with beautiful co-ordinating beads. I stole her pictures that she took of the items I received - as they were so much better than mine! Tammy took the time to get to know me and my love for the ocean and created these beach and sea life inspired items just for me. 

 I was seriously so spoiled. I couldn't wait to get started. I made quite a few pieces and still have lots left over. My goal was to use every item and unfortunately I just ran out of time. But thats okay, I can keep creating in my own time.

First up is the large Mermaid's tail focal. I wanted to keep this as simple as possible so I simply strung it onto a a few strands of the blue coloured cord that Tammy included. Love the colours! 

Oh my goodness, how I love this necklace! 
Tammy sent 2 of these seahorse pendants and I was originally going to make them into earrings. I think this necklace worked way better than I expected.

Simple coral coloured octopus tentacles formed these qwirky donut shaped earrings. My nearly 12 year old jumped at modelling these for me.

This has to be my favourite piece - I wanted to show off the stunning shell pendant and I used the glass beads from what Tammy sent to me. This is so me and I cant wait to wear it. I'm super pleased with this necklace and the colours are just gorgeous.

Tammy included 2 pink starfish clasps in her package and I have to admit I was stumped as to how to use them. I often create this style of bracelet and I didn't want to do the same thing over and over but this clasp just cried out for this design. Its super jingly and sparkly and I just love it!

I love ear drop beads but never seem to use them in my designs. How pretty are these though? I just had to use them for earrings!

Another of my favourite components! I loved the simplicity of this necklace. Sure I could have added more beads to the cord to embellish it, but I wanted something so simple it looked effortless. I almost overlooked these wee burnt red beads and they matched perfectly!

The photos don't do these sand dollars justice. In real life they are more greeny than blue/grey.  I'm not extremely convinced this was how I should utilise them but my daughter loved them and may have secreted them away for her future use! Love her!

 Again I received 2 of these scallop components and I thought the green complemented the glittery glass beads I received. This called for a simple statement piece. I think the end result is really pretty.

Another of my favourite pieces. I love love love this little crab, he reminded me of the Atlantic Blue Crab. I paired the bracelet connector with silver bracelet bands and the lovely multicoloured faceted beads that Tammy sent. I'll be keeping this piece - definitely!

I had so much fun creating all these pieces. So totally me - beachy blues and green ands of course all the sea creatures too! Thank you again Tammy - everything was so amazing to work with.

Let me know which piece is your favourite and please pop across to visit Tammy here and see what she created. This is a sneak peek of what I sent her (Im using Tammy's photos as they are soooo much better than mine).

You can also see my 201520162017 and 2018 hops too.
Thanks for stopping by,

Take care everyone
https://www.facebook.com/NorthShoreDays?ref=hl https://www.pinterest.com/natsd/

Bead Hop Participants:
Hope Smitherman http://CraftyHope.com

Sunday, 8 April 2018

The Bead Peeps Swap and Hop 2018

Oh my gosh you guys, I cant believe I haven't blogged in a year! My life is crazy busy with work and basketball and family, but I haven't forgotten you all. What better way to be back than with the 2018 Bead Peeps Swap 'n Hop.

This year my awesome partner is Robin from Willow Dragon.
Robin and I have know each other for years through our blogs and in the beading circles and we finally got to work together!
Robin sent me the most gorgeous package and I couldn't wait to get started. So much beady goodness and of course my favourite colours. 
She also sent me some beach glass - I will officially love her forever! I haven't created anything with it yet because I'm still just happy to stare lovingly at the pieces for now.

I made several pieces and I still have quite a bit left to work with.
First up is the only necklace in the collection - I used the sari silk and the beautiful sand dollar pendant. I kept it as simple as possible because the colours just spoke for themselves.

The chain Robin included was perfect for a cluster bracelet, I used all the blue beads from the soup and added a few from my own stash. I just love the clasp and "memories" charm. By the way - I made my son model the bracelet so I could see how it fit - cute right?

I always include at least 1 pair of earrings in my creations. I used my own curved components to make a simple, clean design. They reminded me of bluebells in the way they hung.

My absolute favourite piece! The beads just reminded me of pebbles and I loved the colours. I used up all the freshwater pearl beads too and added some turquoise beads to match the "pebble" beads. I'm so happy with how it turned out. 

Robin sent me an awesome selection of blingly beads that I decided to use all at once. I used my own silver components to add to the sparkle.
The beads seemed to change colour when the light caught them - they reminded me of lights reflected on a dark road after a rain storm.

I had so much fun creating and I promise I wont be away for so long again.

Let me know which piece is your favourite! 

For a bit of fun, have a look at my 20152016 and 2017 hops too.
Thanks for stopping by,

Take care everyone


Sunday, 9 April 2017

The Bead Peeps Swap and Hop 2017


Hi Everyone,

It's that time of the year again! The Bead Peeps Swap and Hop.
This year I was paired up with Sam Waghorn from Pale Moon Creations.
Sam's work is amazing and I was very nervous when I received her package as I wanted to do her proud. Here are the awesome items I received from Sam.

 So... Straight into the reveal.

 It was really hard to take a photo of this Quartz necklace but it's gorgeous in real life. I wrapped the end of the crystal with wire so that I could use it on a necklace. Simple and striking.

I decided to incorporate the natural agate beads into a memory wire bracelet inspired by a river - the rocks and grey fast flowing waters. This is my favourite piece.

For something different I used the dragonfly clasp as a focal for this simple bracelet that also includes the beautiful cracked purple beads from Sam's collection.

I love Amethyst and these delicate beads were perfect for a simple chain bracelet. I cant wait to wear this one.

I found this last piece the most challenging. I made and remade the bracelet a number of times, trying to match the colours in the focal, but in the end I realised that it doesn't have to match. And I love how it turned out.

I know my pieces consist mainly of bracelets this year, but I hope you enjoyed my creations. Please pop along to Sam's blog - Pale Moon Creations and see what she made with the beads I sent to her. Then hop over to Linda's blog - From the Bead Board to check out all the other participants this year.

For a bit of fun, have a look at my 2015 and 2016 hops too.

Thanks for stopping by,

Take care everyone


Sunday, 26 March 2017

Bead Soup Blog Party - Hoarder's Edition

Hey Everyone,

Its time to reveal my pieces for the latest Blog Soup Party! This year my partner is Blanchy Medina from Medibeads

She sent me this awesome collection of beads with a very cool blue Druzy focal.
The ideas just flowed with this soup and I created my pieces really quickly.

First up is the Glade necklace. I used all the green and green toned beads along with a delicate chain to create a necklace that can be worn doubled up or as a single strand.

 With the Druzy focal, I decided to do a very simple yet elegant bracelet. I love the clean lines of this look.

 There were a collection of similar yet different beads in the soup that reminded me of tartan. I created a statement necklace and really love how the beads look together.

My all time favourite look is this cuff bracelet. The little square beads are simply gorgeous! 

 Please pop over to check out my partner's creations.
Click on the image below to join in the blog hop and see what everyone has created with their soups.


Take care everyone
