Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Dragonfly Cluster Bracelet

Hi Everyone,

Today I'm going show you how to make this super easy, super cute cluster bracelet. Perfect for Summer with the mix of greens and the Dragonfly charm.

 What you will need:
 Beads, chain (measured to fit around your wrist), a charm, headpins and clasp findings, pliers (not pictured)
What to do:

1. Thread a bead onto a headpin and bend the headpin at a 90 degree angle. 
2. Using pliers bend the headpin back around to form a loop.
3. Thread the wire through a link in the chain.
4. Twist the wire of the headpin around the loop. Cut off excess wire.
5. Repeat for all the beads you add to the chain. I chose to use a variety of green beads and I used every link in the chain.
6. Attach the charm with jump rings to the chain.
7. Attach the clasp.
  So simple right? And now you have a really pretty bracelet.
 I whipped up a necklace too as both items were for my dear blog friend Danni from Silo Hill Farm.

I hope she liked her new pieces as much as I loved making them,

Take care

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Chocolate Fudge Dipped Cupcakes

It was our little Maclayne's third birthday a week and a half ago and she requested 1 friend over for her celebrations. 
So cute! Cannot believe my baby is 3!

We had cake and opened gifts as a family on her actual day. 

For her little lunch date the following week, I decided to make mini cupcakes and dip them in chocolate fudge! 

Just for something different , because yes there is such a thing as too much cake!

So...make a batch of mini cupcakes and allow them to cool a little. I used a wooden skewer to dip them into the hot fudge and roll in 100's and 1000's. 

You need to be pretty quick about it though, don't let your fudge cool too quickly or the dipping process will be too difficult.

Chocolate Fudge Recipe 
(Edmonds Cookbook)
2 Cups Sugar
2 Tablespoons Cocoa
1/2 Cup Milk
25g (0.9 ounces) Butter
1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Essence

Mix sugar and cocoa in a saucepan, add milk and butter. Heat gently, stirring until the sugar has dissolved and butter melted. Bring to the boil, do not stir. Let mixture boil until the soft ball stage. Remove from heat and add vanilla. Leave to stand for 5 minutes. Beat with a wooden spoon until thick. Pour into a buttered tin. Cut into squares when cold.
For the purposes of dipping the cupcakes - I didn't allow the fudge to cool and I didn't beat it till it was thick. When I had done the cupcakes - I finished the process and the kids had a few squares of fudge too.
They. Are. So. Good!!!

Try them...soon!


Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Fake Distressed Wood Candles

Hey Everyone,

I posted this over at Silo Hill Farm a couple of weeks ago while Danni was away...

Today I'm going to show you a neat little trick to dress up those cheap dollar store candles, without spending a lot of money.

My project calls for fake wood cardstock, but really you could use pattern you like.

It's as easy as 1 2 3....

Measure the card and cut to size, then stick it to the candle with double sided tape.
I embellished mine, very simply, with twine.

Wouldn't these make the cutest gifts? Or center pieces?

 But to be extra careful, remove the card if you plan to burn the candles.
I like my candles to be part of my decor so they are very rarely if ever, lit.

So easy, no mess, minimal cost and a great decor "pick me up".

Take care

Saturday, 13 July 2013

DIY Fabric Candelier

 Hey Everyone,

Its been a busy week, getting ready for the end of school term, taking care of a sick wee one and preparing for her birthday. 
But I couldn't resist quickly whipping up a fabric chandelier, I've seen them all over Pinterest and thought they looked really pretty and pretty easy!

If you have an embroidery hoop spare and some scrap fabric, you can throw one together in less than an hour!

I used my glue gun to secure strips of fabric, ribbon and lace to the inner hoop and once filled, I slotted the outer hoop on and secured it. I used left over ribbon to hang the chandelier. 

See - so easy!

We had some sun today so I took my new fabric chandelier outside for a few photos!

Don't you just love how it looks, picking up a gentle breeze?

 I'm going to hang it up in my room, and the girls have asked for one too, so I think a blinged up pink one may be in the cards real soon!

And it most definitely cheered up my Winter's day!

Take care


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Saturday, 6 July 2013

NorthShore Days' Jewelry Winter Collection

Hi Everyone,

I'm excited to launch my new NorthShore Days' Jewelry Winter Collection for 2013.


You can find these pieces in my Etsy Shop.

Shipping is FREE on all items!!!

Take care


Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Beach Ready Toe Rings

Hey Everyone,

 Today I am going to show you how to add a little bling to your Summer days .

Here in New Zealand its Winter, but what better way to get over the miserable cold than to pretend I'm experiencing Summer with all of you in the Northern Hemisphere, right?

So lets make some cute Toe Rings!!!

What you need:

clear stretch thread
What to do:

Cut a length of elastic thread, thread it through the bead. Measure the thread around your toe and tie a secure knot in the thread. Snip the ends off and pull the knot into the bead to hide it.

And there you have the cutest, easiest toe ring!

 Now you can whip up dozens of them for yourself and your friends to wear to the beach.

I love the white flower toe ring and my 5 year old has claimed the orange one. 
It does look very cute on her little girl foot!

How easy are they to make? And adorable? 
I think I may be slightly addicted!

Happy Days....

Take care


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