Friday, 27 April 2012

Weekly Photo Challenge - From A Low Angle

Hi Everyone,

I'm so excited to have made third place with last week's water photo. Thank you  Laura.

This week the challenge over at Our Reflection is "From a Low Angle"
Our Reflection Photo Challenge

I took this picture earlier in the week of the maple trees along the road. 
I love the colours the leaves are turning and happened to catch the Autumn sun shining through the branches.....


Thursday, 26 April 2012

Pasta Canisters to Gorgeous Vases

Do I even need to tell you what this post is about???? 

Okay... so its more paint in glassware...... Told you  I had a problem!

I was cleaning out one of the kitchen cupboards the other day and found my old glass Spaghetti canister - of course I was going to paint it wasn't I??

First off it needed a really good clean, then I poured white paint into it and swirled it around. Then drained all the excess back out into the paint container...

I also had the pasta canister from the candles and jars post I did in December last year.....I painted it yellow....

Once the paint was dry - approximately 24 hours, I started with my embellishments...

Very simple and easy - I used twine and hot glue.

Dab hot glue onto the canister and press the end piece of twine into it to hold it tight. 

Then wrap the twine around the base (I did the top of the canister too) to the height you want and end off with a dab of hot glue to hold the end in place... 

Make sure you end off in the same area as you started so that you can have that side facing the wall when on display....

I took a length of twine (enough to double around the neck of the canister), threaded beads onto each end and looped the twine around (as in the below pics)....

Next I found the perfect way to display them....

Here is the top of my shelving unit..... Before

And After....

The "new vases" look amazing and I'm so happy with them..... A wonderful decor pick-me-up for the upcoming Winter months and still beach inspired....

Thanks for stopping by, take care



Monday, 23 April 2012

Beachy Bowl

Hey Everyone,

I'm back with some fun projects to share and tomorrow I will tell you all my exciting news....I cant wait!

Sometimes (just a few times) you do a makeover only to discover that you liked how the item was before you made it over! Sigh..... Too late, but this little wooden bowl turned out okay in the end....

I had this lighthouse themed bowl for years and years and a while back I decided it needed to be turquoise ...

I peeled the pics off, sanded the bowl and painted it and this is how it looked for months until I decided what I wanted to do with it....boring huh?

Until I discovered these foam stickers and for some reason thought that if I painted the bowl and when I removed the stickers it would be fab-u-lous!!!!!!

Look what happened when I lifted the corner of the sticker..... Really - I should have realised with foam that some seepage would occur!

I carried on and sanded the bowl smooth and in some parts back to the turquoise


I'm getting used to it on the desk and it hasn't collected any junk in it yet. I think Sean is waiting for me to "complete" it, ha ha...
I still like the original though - but a change is good ...right?

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Weekly Photo Challenge - Water

Hi Guys,

Today I'm submitting a photo to Our Reflection's - Weekly Photo Challenge . Laura has an awesome blog - please pop over for a visit and check out her photography and wonderful family.

Our Reflection Photo Challenge

This week's theme is "Water".  

I took this picture a wee while ago at the Marina on the NorthShore. 

I love how the clouds are reflected and the water ripples gently in the breeze... So peaceful

Take care



Friday, 20 April 2012

Sweet and Sour Chicken

Hi Everyone,

I've been terrible with my blog this week, please forgive me.

 I do have a few new projects to share very soon and some very exciting news.

 But for now - I'm going to share our new favourite family meal.....

A few weeks ago I came across this receipe on Pinterest and found it on Six Sister's Stuff blog. It originally comes from Life as a Lofthouse.

I have made it 4 times now and it is amazing - we will not be ordering this at the Chinese Takeaway ever again.....

Baked Sweet and Sour Chicken Recipe:

3-4 boneless chicken breasts
salt & pepper, to taste
1 cup cornstarch
2 eggs, beaten
1/4 cup oil

Sweet and Sour Sauce:
3/4 cup sugar
4 tbs tomato sauce
1/2 cup vinegar
1 tbs soy sauce
1 tsp garlic salt (I just used plain salt)

Preheat oven to 180 degrees celcius. 
Rinse the chicken breasts in water and then cut into cubes.
Season with salt and pepper to taste. 
Dip chicken into the cornstarch to coat then dip in the eggs. 

Heat the 1/4 cup oil in a large skillet and cook the chicken until browned but not cooked through. 
Place the chicken in a 9x13 greased baking dish. 
Mix all of the sweet and sour sauce ingredients in a bowl with a whisk and then pour evenly over the chicken. 
Bake for one hour and during the baking process you will need to turn the chicken every 15 minutes.

The batter process
Adding the sweet and sour sauce
After baking for an hour

The first time I made this dish I made it with noodles but found it was too overpowering. So the last few times I've whipped up a pot of rice and mixed veg, which definitely goes better...

 Golden deliciousness......

Really.... You have to try this.... it is just so yum!

Happy cooking 



Monday, 16 April 2012

More Painted Jars... An Obsession

Okay, so I'm just a tiny bit obsessed with my new favourite thing.....

It all started a few weeks ago when I tried painting my own jars... you can read about it here .

Now.... I can't stop!!!! Help! Seriously!!! 

Every time I see a jar I grab it and pour paint into it!!! 

In fact I have a few more drying as we speak! Don't judge me....

 Anyway.... I made 4 more over the weekend.... 

I ran out of turqouise, so I mixed what I had with white and it dried a very milky blue - Lurve it! 

Oh and note the orangy/ tangerine jar.... more love!

Again, I embellished with what I had in my craft drawers and made sure the jars were cohesive with the last batch, ie beachy...

 Here is my little collection.....
  These 2 are living on the computer desk

A temporary home on a shelf for these 3 until I decide where to display them. 

 The others are displayed in my box shelf

So??? Do you love them as much as I do? 

Please say yes.....

