Thursday, 5 February 2015

2 Ingredient Custard Delight

Hi Everyone,

Today I have to share this awesome, EASY dessert!
I don't make it very often but when I do the whole family go nuts over it.  
The best thing about it, is that there are only 2 ingredients (3 if you garnish)

1 carton of Vanilla Custard
Ginger biscuits 

I use Ginger biscuits (cookies) but I've also made it with coconut biscuits and plain tea biscuits. I just like the ginger flavour best.

Its as simple as layering the biscuits and custard into serving dishes. Or you can double the quantity and make it in a larger container. Keep going till you run out of ingredients - just ensure the biscuits are completely covered.

Pop the dessert (covered) into the fridge for approx 5-6 hours, until the biscuits are soft.

Garnish with a sprinkle of grated chocolate if you like and serve cold!

So easy right? 
Seriously you will LOVE it! 

Let me know if you try it...

Take care


Linking Up To:

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Brutus the Stingray

 Hey everyone,

I just have to share the awesome experience we had today.
My friend told us about this the other day and we decided to take a trip out to Gulf Harbour late this afternoon. 
At the Marina, there are HUGE fish and a special visitor called Brutus.

The owners of a local charter have been feeding the fish for years and were so lovely and friendly, they gave the kids bait and squid to feed the Kingfish and Snapper.

 There are also a few Stingrays making their presence known...

The highlight of the afternoon was meeting Brutus!
He is a stingray who likes to be hand fed by the locals.

Gabe was lucky enough to be given a pilchard to feed him.

 This was my view from the other side of the Marina. None of us expected that Brutus would come to Gabe to be fed...

 Here are the pics from Sean's phone, so much more exciting to be in on the action...


After his snack, Brutus stuck around for a bit of a pat before moving on in search of more food

The kids were so excited about their afternoon and want to go back again, very soon!
A very cool experience for them, Gabe is on such a high! And I'm so proud of how they handled themselves.

Here's a link to the story,if  you would like to read more about Brutus:

Take care
