Sunday, 15 May 2016

The Bead Peeps Swap and Hop 2016 - Reveal

Hey Everyone,

Its the Bead Peeps Swap and Hop again!   
Our host is Linda from From the Bead Board. This year she is my partner too! Yay! How lucky am I?

Basically, we send beads, focals and clasps, etc to our partner, the challenge being that we have to create from the items sent to us. We can use some of our own components but we don't have to use all the items as long as we use the focal and clasp sent to us. 

Linda sent gorgeous treasures, some for my own stash and some to create for the blog hop. Look! Such a wonderful selection.

Now I get to show you what I created...This year it was all about the bracelets!

My first and favourite is called "In Full Bloom". In this piece I incorporated the beautiful clasp from Art Incendi along with copper connectors and jump rings to form a bracelet. I used bright, colourful flower beads from my stash to accent the clasp.

I love this piece so much!

I used part of the copper clasps and painted them with pink nail polish before adding the blue flowers for these earrings. They turned out quite cute right?
 I had this adjustable bracelet and wanted to try a bit of bead wrapping. These beads were so fun to work with and the colours accentuate the simple design.

Oh my goodness these Saturn beads just cried out to become earrings! They are so pretty and look just like Raindrops.

 The stunning focal is made by Karin Hruza from The Bead Fairy. I hope I did justice to the amazing colours in this focal. I wanted to keep the design as simple as possible. I just love it.

For my final piece, I used the purple hemp string along with the fire polished glass beads to create a multi layered bracelet, a style I've never tried before. I'm very happy with the way it turned out, its so sparkly and pretty!

So there you have it - I hope you enjoyed my creations this year. And Linda, I hope I did your selection justice.

This is what I sent to Linda so please pop across to see what she has made at From the Bead Board
To follow all the other blogs taking part in the Swap and Hop - head on over to Linda's blog for the full list. #BeadPeepsSwap

Take Care everyone, thanks for visiting.
