Friday, 22 March 2013

Cute Easter Chicks

Hey Everyone,

Easter is next weekend...can you believe it? Time is just flying at the moment and I admit to having to race to catch up lately...

I wanted to find an easy craft I could do with the kids, that wasn't messy and  didn't take forever. And while googling "kids Easter crafts" I found these adorable chicks at Paging Supermom

This is the easiest kids' craft EVER!!!

What you need:

Coloured card, googly eyes, craft glue and scissors. 
Feathers optional.

What to do:
Cut a circle for the head. Cut a rectangle for the beak, and shape it into a triangle.
Glue the beak and eyes on.
Cut slits on each side of the head (if you want to make a banner, otherwise this step can be skipped)
And glue a feather onto the back of the head (optional)

 How adorable are they? 
They look so worried..bless them
String them together (I used nylon line) and hang them up around the house.

From start to finish each chick took me about 5 minutes. And the kids loved making them too. 

Its starting to look like Easter....

Take care everyone,




  1. Oh how cute! Madeleine might even be able to do this.

    1. So easy Mel - we gave them the kids in Paytons class

  2. Natalie, those are the cutes chicks! What a fun little banner and I love those feathers on their heads! You picture tutorials are always great!

  3. These are so freaking CUTE!! What a great Easter project. Cheers from your newest follower.

  4. Natalie-what a cute project and just in time for Easter! I just had to pin it!

  5. Nat....those are so cute! Made me smile! What a fun Easter craft! Pinning! So sweet!

    1. They really do make you smile right? I had a good giggle when I was making them xxx

  6. Such a fun project Nat!! i bet my kids would love doing this!

  7. I love simple and easy, they are great to pull out when they grands just want to create something. Over through FB Creative Bloggers. I put you up for a Lieber Award. If you'd like to participate, you can read how on my blog post today.


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