Wednesday, 10 April 2013

How to Make a Wire Bead

 Today I am going to teach you how to make a Wire Bead...they look totally complicated but easy!!! 

So lets get started...

You will need:
A length of 20-gauge jewelry wire and a length of 18-gauge jewelry wire.
I cut about a 50cm length of each, to work with, but depending on how big you want the bead you could cut longer or shorter lengths of wire.
Round nose jewelry pliers

This is Part 1
We will be making a basic coil.

Following the pictures:
 a.  Bend the 20-gauge wire in half
b.  Slip the bent wire onto the 18-gauge wire(the 18-gauge is called the mandrel wire)
c.  Bend the wire around the mandrel working in a coil, try not to work too tightly, but also as evenly as you can.Each coil should sit snugly against the coil next to it.
d.  Repeat on the other side
e. A completed length of coiled wire.
f. Secure the ends of the wire by tightening then against the mandrel wire, using pliers.

Part 2

This is the fun part. You will notice that I have black marks on my round nose pliers, I do this, so that I know where to start my wire and to make sure all my wrapping is even.

Following the pictures....

1 - 3.  Cut the mandrel wire about 2cm on either side of the coil. You are going to coil the end too .
Wrap around the pliers by moving the wire , not the pliers - and remember to use the marks on the pliers to keep it even. (dont worry about the extra wire in pic 3 - I did this to show you how to wrap - your wire will look like pic 4)

4 - 7.  Keep wrapping the coil, steadily until you get to the mandrel wire again.

8. As you did in steps 1-3, starting at the tip of the mandrel wire, wrap another end coil and bend it into place.

9. The completed bead.

Once you've made one, you'll easily master more. These beads can be used as you would any other bead, slip a headpin through and use them as focal beads, charms or links.

I popped one onto a necklace I made for a friend a couple of weeks ago. So cute.

Stay tuned because I will be showing you just how versatile these wire beads really are, in the next few weeks.

Take Care everyone,

Don't forget to follow me on Facebook :-)




  1. I LOVE this!! I knew they couldn't be too difficult but seeing your instructions make it so clear. Excellent share, Natalie!!

    1. Thanks so much hunni - I cant wait to see your take on it xxx

  2. This is so amazing Natalie! I so wish I had your jewelry making skills!!

    1. Aw thanks Danni - I wish I could make jewelry all day long!

  3. Can I just say, wow!!! I love how talented you are and how fun your pics are in this tut!

  4. I love this! I just pinned it so I can try some later.

  5. Love it Nat, it is so beautiful, you are so clever xo

  6. This is so pretty, and you make it look so easy!

    1. It is easy Bethany - once you make the first one then the rest are easy to whip up xx

  7. I LOVE all your creations!!! This one is so beautiful. As always, your tutorial ROCKS! Pinning!

  8. Oooh! So cool! Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to try it!

  9. This is so awesome! What a fun way to make a unique focal point. Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. Thank you so much Kim - I hope you give these a try they are so easy once you get the hang of it xx Nat


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