Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Easy Hammered Earrings

Hey Everyone,

Today I'm going to teach you how to make the easiest earrings EVER!

Here's what you need: 

A couple of beads (with a standard sized hole through the middle)
2 long headpins
hard surface - I use a little rock
What to Do:

1. Snip off the ends of the headpins. Hammer the tips flat.
2. Thread a bead onto the headpin - it will stop at the wider end.
3 & 4. determine how long you want your earrings to hang and holding it firmly bend the wire around the handle of the pliers (or a pencil)
5. Mold the wire to shape
6. Trip excess wire from the back

Can you believe how easy that was? Seriously?
They are so versatile too, the possibilities are endless. I made 3 pairs in about 15 minutes. I'm loving the red ones.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and that you're inspired to make a pair or 2 yourself. 

Take care


Linking Up to these Great Parties


  1. that's really cool, so the hammering means no crimp bead? I think I love the red ones best

    1. No crimp bead - the wider part keeps the bead on ;-)

  2. Do you have to have special headpins? Not all mine have been decent/good quality ones. Even from the jewelry store. They have been okay for doing the beads but to put in the ears I don't know if they would be okay or not.

    1. Hi Christina,

      The headpins I have are really good. I think I may have had a bad batch that peeled silver paint off once, and I would never put that in my ears. But you could also use a thicker jewellery wire to get the same effect.
      xx Nat

    2. Okay thanks for the info.

  3. I loved these when I first saw them Nat and I love them still!!


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