Monday, 26 March 2012

Catch the Sun

Hi Everyone,

Last week I needed to get my crafty mojo back - remember my self imposed Pinterest Craft Challenge,that I wrote about here? Well I have completed one of my projects and let me tell you - it has lifted my spirits and made me happy for days......

So this post is not so much a tutorial, more a photo shoot, that I hope inspires...

I raided my bead drawer for all the sparkly beads I had.
I used nylon line and crimps to secure the beads....

Then I just played around - the purpose was not to be perfect but to catch the sun.....

I made these sparkly sun-catchers on a stormy, rainy day and strung them up along the curtain rail

The early morning of the following day, the sun-catchers caught my eye. The kids were still asleep, Sean had left for work... it was just me and my coffee.....

If you know me well - you know I'm always on the go, rushing around and always tired. I think I miss out on a lot in terms of my children, I sometimes feel I'm spread a bit thin. And these past couple of weeks being housebound with Gabriel and his broken leg, I have had to take it slower, pay more attention to each child....and its been fantastic!

 Don't get me wrong, Gabe needs around the clock care and is grumpy, sore and bored and it is hard! But this has been my chance to catch a bit of that sun! To spend time with my school going child who I don't see much of during the week. 

When he has healed and back at school - I will miss this time that we have had together. And we will be back to racing through our weeks

A couple of days later, the morning sun caught the sun-catchers and we all stopped to watch the prisms and sparkles.....the kids were so excited....And it was a moment we spent together, happy, laughing and just being! 

So seize the day... catch the sun.....don't let go of those moments....or they will be gone, lost to us forever....

Happy Monday


the space between


  1. Natalie, I love this post and these sun catchers. And just a word of advice, take your days a little slower and really enjoy your kids. Before you know it they will be gone and you will be left alone with just memories and the sound of your own breathing, wishing for the demands of your children. I go weeks now without seeing my oldest (he is in college) and the youngest works the night shift. So as I type this I am watching him sleep peacfully on the couch, but we haven't had a great conversation since Thursday. And all at the time of a change of life for me. :( I need to make some sun catchers to bring back this :)
    Enjoy your day!!

    1. Thanks Lisa - I have made a deal with myself - I will be slowing down. Maclayne starts creche in month - she will go for 2 mornings a week. I will schedule those times for all my chores and errands and the days I have the kids at home - we will do more "kiddy" things.
      I know - you blink and you have lost years. I hope you feel better soon and thank you for your kinds comments - big hugs xx Nat

  2. What a great idea! Those are so beautiful! I am the same way, I always have to be doing something but I am slowly learning how to slow down and just enjoy things. Time does go by so fast!

    1. Thanks Michelle - I hope your BIL is doing better too xxx Nat

  3. Oh those are soooo pretty. I bet they look gorgeous in the sunlight. Thanks for sharing with my newbie party.

    1. They are still keeping the kids in awe Debbie. xx Nat

  4. Your sun catchers are beautiful! Lovely little jewels sparkling in your window :-) I hope your son's leg heals up soon - till then, enjoy your time together :-)


    1. Thanks Kelly, I'm enjoying spending time with him xx Nat

  5. Been thinking about raiding my beads too and doing a suncatcher or wind chime...thanks for the inspiration!

  6. LOVE these. They seem like a way to have a positive effect similar to the cheer of Christmas lights, but year around!

    Found you via the It's a Cinch challenge, where your project caught my eye.

  7. Loving these sun catchers! How fun!

    Thanks for linking it up!



  8. I love this. What an amazing project! So easy, but so beautiful! Those sun catchers need to be on my back porch! Doesn't it feel wonderful when you make something you pinned :)

    Thanks for linking up to the party.


    1. Thanks Karianne - I'm going to make heaps more - my daughter chose sparkly girly beads today and asked if we could make some for her window... xx Nat

  9. Very pretty. I love how the beads catch the light and sparkle. It would be great if you stopped by Etcetorize to share this ( Hope to see you there~

    1. Aw thank you so much - I will link up next week - I'm running a bit late this week xx Nat

  10. Very pretty post - both the pictures and the story with it. Love your moment making sun catchers!!!

  11. Lovely! I have a collection of large crystals from a chandelier - you've made me want to go hang them in all my windows. :)

  12. These are so great. Sometimes a little sparkle can make all the difference. :)
    Thank you so much for linking up.

  13. These are so fun - love a bit of bling.

    So glad you joined our Cinch party!

  14. What a beautiful post Nats. I love your idea of the sparkly sun-catchers and the fact it brought you and your family together. Moments that we share with our family are so precious and I will never forget the time I spent a weekend in Florence, Italy with my dad.

  15. What a beautiful story! I know how you feel about being too busy. But I can't complain because mine is purely self-imposed. Perhaps I need to make me some sun-catchers. :) Thanks for linking up to Pin-ed it, Made it!


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