Saturday, 9 June 2012

Clay Flower Pendant

Hello Everyone,

I have seen some amazing clay jewelry creations in blog land so thought I would try too. Ha...

Let me just say something about myself.... I cannot create anything with salt dough or play dough, so what made me think I could work with clay?

I don't think I did too badly for my first try, but it may take a while before I create with it again...

I made a couple of flower pendants after playing around with the clay for a bit. What I really don't like are my finger prints on the clay but not too sure how to remove them.

Following my labeled pictures, here is what I did.

I used the oven bake modeling clay. I
 cut a strip of clay and worked it until it was soft, rolled it into a long tube shape and divided it up into 5 even pieces.
Roll each piece into a ball and then press flat. 
Make your flower shape by overlapping each piece slightly in a circle. 
I used a straw to cut out the center and a thick pin to make a hole for the jump ring.
Bake according to the instructions.

When the flower had cooled down I used rub-on's to embellish.

I also added a layer of clear nail polish to protect the surface.

Here are 2 that worked, the others didn't make the cut.

Payton,happy with her new piece of jewelry. I did shorten the chain after this photo.

So, what do you all think? Sort of turned out okay, I think. But definitely not my favorite medium to work with...

Hope you're all having a happy Saturday 



  1. I'm not the best with clay either, but you are way ahead of me! I love the embellishment. I wondered how you did that! It reminds me of our Vinca flowers we have here. Nice job Nat!

  2. This is so cute. I have clay here and was just waiting for inspiration. I should try this, great tutorial. I've heard that if you wear gloves you won't get the fingerprints.

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment Terry - I thought of using gloves but I only have thick rubber gloves and didn't think I would be able to feel the clay properly. I will try find some latex ones and see how that goes. It may inspire me to try create with clay again xxx Nat


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