Saturday, 6 October 2012

A Thrifty T-Shirt Rescue

Its Spring and the warmer weather is on its way.

And to discover that the kids have ALL had a huge growth spurt since Summer and none of their summer clothes fit - a trawl through the thrift stores was in order recently.

Payton is my rough and tumble kid, she really struggles to keep her clothes looking good. So she needs a lot of everyday clothes especially since having started school, she normally has at least 2 outfit changes a day  - sometimes 3....sigh!

She really loved this long t-shirt that we found for $3 at the Salvation Army store. I had hoped the fairly noticeable stain would wash out, but alas it was not going to budge.

We dug in my stash of saved bits and bobs to find a couple of cute embroidered flowers that would cover the stain and "pretty" the t-shirt up.

Here is Payton at 6 months old wearing a cute romper that I saved the flowers off of.

 I hand stitched the larger flower over the stained area and added the second smaller flower next to it

 Payton is really happy with her "new" top and cant wait to wear it to school when its warm enough.

It was really difficult to get a photo of her wearing the shirt though! 
My little poser did not want her photo taken that day!!!

Yay for warmer days and great thrifty finds...




  1. I never thought of taking embellishments off of old clothing! I know my grandma removed buttons from everything before it was thrown out and so I do have a stash of buttons to remind me of her. What a great way to fix a stained shirt.

  2. Nice save Nat! How smart of you to save those cute flowers oh so long ago! Now I just have to say...OMG..that baby Payton is chewing on a scorpion!!!!! Funny!!

  3. What a great up-cycle, Nat! So clever! I Payton's 6 month baby picture, so sweet!

    1. Oh she was a cute little monkey Mary - can you believe sitting unaided at 5 months and walking at 8.5 months? I nearly went nuts xxx

  4. I love that! I love saving something and turnign into something new! Great save! And Payton looks adorable.

    1. Thanks Heather - I ber I'll be using those flowers long after the shirt is done too xxx

  5. That's a good idea, I love the model pose, what a cutie!

    1. Thanks Mel - she is usually a lot more "posey" - but I caught her on a difficult day lol


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