Thursday 18 October 2012

My Spring Garden

I've been neglecting my blog, I'm really sorry - but I will be back!!!!

I'm really busy getting ready for the craft market next month and that means building up stock and I'm up late into the night working so my poor blog is taking a bit of a back seat.

Last night, Gabe needed some images for a school project about his back garden so I put together the above collage for him. I've been so busy I havn't really noticed that life is beginning to come back to our garden - yay!

Our family of hedgehogs are back into the bin bags left outside and the flowers are in full bloom....not to mention the millions of birds that seem to love our garden...

 Hope you are all having a great week

Take care




  1. Love spring! All our fruit trees are in blossom

    1. Its pretty miserable at the moment but cant wait for Summer !!!!

    2. Natalie your photos are so beautiful! I'm so happy that you were able to take a moment from all of the busy-ness to appreciate the signs of sunny, warmer months coming! I can't wait to hear about your booth and all of the amazing pieces you sell. You will do awesome!!! Love ya!

    3. Thank you so much Sherry -and for your continuous support mwah xxx

  2. So pretty!! Love spring. I'll just enjoy my...fall garden. Blah. Not as nice.

  3. Spring in Auckland is beautiful. Love your garden - such pretty pictures, Nat.

  4. I'm a little jealous! We've already had snow and I have to scrape frost off my car every morning. Spring seems very far away.

    1. Aw sorry Al, I've been waiting for Summer for so long now - I'm going to love it!

  5. Hi! very pretty flowers you have there! I've got some weed pulling to do myself in my little flower garden, so no photos for me til that's done. Thanks for sharing.


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