Sunday, 16 September 2012

My Judo Star

It's taken my Gabe years to decide what sport he would like to participate in, so when he came home from school one day and said he would like to try Judo - we were really excited! 

He has been for about 6 sessions which are held after school during the week....He has just thrown himself, literally into his sport and can take down his sister like a pro already!

So when I picked him up after training on Thursday he surprised me with this star of the day medal...Wow, wow, wow... to say I am a proud mum is an understatement..

He gets to keep it for a whole week...
Check out the grin on his face - he couldn't wait to show his daddy who has a First Dan Black in Karate.


So, so proud and excited for my gorgeous boy.

Happy Sunday everyone




  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Mel - I'm so darn proud of these kids! Hope you're having a good weekend.

  2. That is awesome! You are making me fall in love with kids across the ocean that I've never even met!!! Your schools offer Judo?? THat is the coolest!

  3. He is so so handsome...but you already know that ;) That's cool that they give out a medal for a week. I'll bet he is feeling pretty proud himself! Yay Gabe!

  4. Congratulations Gabe. Loving the new blog layout Natalie I've only just noticed it so fingers crossed it is new. :) enjoy your day

    1. Thanks Megs - yes it is new lol - hope you are all good xxx

  5. Congratulations, Gabe! How exciting it must be for him! You too! Woo hoo!

    1. I know - bless him - he was so happy and we were so excited xxx


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