Saturday 1 September 2012

Spring is HERE... finally

It's taken forever to get here....Its SPRING...

Nearly Summer... (dance of joy)

Goodbye cold, dark, rainy days... and hello to more mornings like this..

 and flowers blooming, again

Happy days of Spring




  1. It's such a joy to get through winter and know it's not coming back for nine months! Ohio was a difficult place to live but now we are sooo enjoying our new Florida home and can enjoy warm and lovely fall weather most of the year. It's not here yet, but the suffocating summer is nearly done. Happy Spring to you down under!

    1. Thanks Jeanne, I cant wait for Summer, Winter is so wet- it literally rains the whole time and everything is damp and the kids are always sick. I'm looking forward to the blue sky again xxx

  2. Beautiful pictures. While reading your post, this song popped in my head... :O) Hooray for Spring!!!


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