Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Bench Reveal..... Finally

I know I promised more washer pendants today but Im just so excited about my bench that I finished in the early hours this morning. 

So, so, so excited........

So please forgive me if I post about the pendants later or even tomorrow :-)

Remember this phone bench that I got for $10 ?

And this single bed headboard I found for $1 ?

Look what Sean and I created........ Oh I'm so excited - did I mention that before???

We have been slowly working on it since the beginning of December.....

Sean cut the shelf and the oddly placed piece in the front of the bench, off...... And the "ball" shapes were also cut off the headboard.

Then he cut the bottom off the headboard so that it would "sit" on the bench and fit under the kitchen counter overhang. He attached the headboard to the bench with an extra bit of wood (sorry I didn't get a picture before I painted)

back view with the extra piece of wood to hold the 2 pieces together
Then Christmas and school holidays started so the bench sat as it was until this weekend when I bought Primer - super expensive Primer.... but I was not into sanding that big varnished bench or the laminated headboard. 
And this primer  "Sticks to ALL surfaces".  
Its Zinsser B-I-N Primer Sealer White Pigmented Shellac from Rust-oleum and its Awesome!!!!!!! 
But it was $32 for 470 ml - although I used less than half the tin for the whole project and will have enough over to use on another project - Bonus!!!!!

My primed bench....... I can start to see what its going to look like....

I knew I wanted to distress it but the original wood colour was not what I wanted.
Using Dulux - Colours of New Zealand, Glenbrooke which is a dark brown - I edged the bench and headboard....

When dry - I ran a candle along the edges and painted about 4 layers of Dulux White over the whole thing.

The great thing about using the wax is that the paint peels off easily in the spots you want it too..... I used my sanding block but didn't have to rub hard at all.....

I used 2 coats of Jo Sonja's Polyurethane Water Based  Satin Varnish to seal and protect....

Lets look some more.........

Cushions however...... Will not be used for long!!!! 
Maclayne has decided the only place for cushions is on the floor..... 
and since there is enough stuff on the floor on a daily basis that everyone just steps on or over - I wont be adding to that mess!

So total cost of this project:

Bench: $10
Headboard: $1
Primer: $32
Extra wood, paint and varnish - I had on hand: $0

Total: $43.00

I hope you enjoyed my big reveal - I'm loving this as an addition to the living area, and the kids love standing on it to steal look at the food on the kitchen counter.....

Thanks for stopping by,


Linking Up To:
It's Overflowing



  1. OMG - what a transformation!
    Well done you (and Sean ;), it looks awesome.


  2. Great job on the bench!!! Love the aged distress look you gave it as well!

  3. Hey Lisa - thanks - when are you going to start up your own blog???? Your email with the 25 tips is something that would def be read and its so much fun compiling those ideas - Pinterest is your friend!!! Join me this year - come on girl!

  4. Katie - Thank you! How fantastic that you became a follower. I hopped over to your blog and became a follower back! Ooh and Im going to join your link party too. Thanks for your sweet comment. Nat

  5. Very nice! I like it better without the cushions too!

  6. This turned out great- what a fabulous upcycle project!
    :) Samantha

  7. Wow! What a transformation, well done Nats. I love the vibrant blue colour of the cushions next to the white.It looks great together.


  8. Thank you lovely ladies for your comments - I'm so happy with this project and cant wait to finish up a few more that are in progress xx Nats

  9. Love it! Thanks for linking up! Check out my giveaway....

    XO, Aimee

  10. Thanks for following Aimee - Ill be over soon to see your giveaway...

  11. Great makeover with the perfect amount of distressing! Thanks for sharing the candle trick! Such a clever idea!

  12. Thank you for visiting Brandi - I cant remember where I read about the candle trick and this is the first time Ive done it - always spend ages sanding back. It works like a dream.

  13. Thanks Jill will pop over and link up xx Nat

  14. Love how you reconstructed the bench and gave it so much character!


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