Tuesday, 20 December 2011


My "forever" sign fell off the wall and broke the other day, I was not a happy girl!

You see, that word has a lot of meaning for me - its what I had engraved inside Sean's wedding band. 

I liked seeing it up on the wall.... it was good to be reminded....

So I changed it.....a little......

And now I look at it on the shelf and am reminded of my real forever and ever.....

And I am theirs.......


Linking Up To


  1. Natalie,

    I'm sorry your sign fell, I know how it feels to break something that is so sentimental. On a happy note, the new sign looks fantastic, great save! It's so creative & very pretty. Thank you for the sweet comment you left on my blog. I'm your newest follower!

    Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!


  2. Oh Jodie thank you for coming by to visit. Have a wonderful Christmas, its excitement all the way at my house today xx Nats

  3. Now didn't that just leave me all teary and slobbery...!! You're such an angel, Girl, and you inspire so many of us!! We can only hope to have your courage, patience and love. I hope you feel better soon - love you lots!

  4. Aw Stefanie - your so sweet - thank you so much, I needed that xxx


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