Wednesday, 14 December 2011

New Zealand Christmas Tree

The Pohutukawa Tree

• The New Zealand Christmas Tree •

 Its still raining in Auckland.... and Ive been waiting ages to take photo's of the Pohutukawa Tree on our front lawn, so before all the flowers fade - here are some pics in the rain.

My kids know that when the Pohutukawa Trees bloom, it's Christmas time. 

Isn't it just gorgeous ????
The tree has been full of birds this week and lots of huge bumble bees

And just popping in a pic of my beautiful boy, who brought home a fantastic report card for the year... Well done Gabe. 
Cannot believe how big this child is getting!!!!!! And super funny....
Take care everyone,

Don't forget to follow me on Facebook :-)




  1. Yay gabe, beautiful tree, it looks like our Aussie bottle brush

    1. Yeah we had a similar bottle brush in SA - pretty cool but it doesnt smell to good


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