Thursday, 29 December 2011

The FORCE has taken over my Family.....

We have always been a family who liked Star Wars...... Sean has always been a huge fan
....Gabe has had a purple Lightsaber for a couple of years........ He plays the Playstation games.........and just discovered the books......

Then Christmas happened!!!!!!!!! A new General Grievous Lightsaber has come to stay....

Image via Google

Star Wars Fever has gripped our household!  

Day and night, big kids (Sean) and little kids.... 

Any time...... any place...

the battles rage......

 When a Jedi is not fighting for the good....... he meditates......

Take care,


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  1. OKay, your kids are adorable!!! I can't imagine what my brother would have done with a light saber. Too funny! :)

  2. Thanks Amanda - lets just say that most times the battles end in tears..... Hmmmmm !!!!

  3. This post is just too cute. Your kids are adorable, and believe me, I know this feeling. It's all Star Wars, all the time.

  4. Thanks Melysa and for stopping by and following. I wasnt sure if my comment had gone through so i had to re-write and still didnt look as if it had gone through - so my apologies for 2 messages lol.


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